Archive for May, 2012

What’s Inside an SSIS 2012 .ispac File?

If you’re curious, you can rename the .ispac file and give it a .zip extension, and extract. Voila, we see all the files that make up the ispac – a manifest, your DTSX files, and a .param file. Also note that the manifest does not have the usual uber-long .ssisDeploymentManifest extension

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Get a Report Handle Using SSRS2008 and PowerShell V3

In order to work with report items with SQL Server Reporting Services 2008, most of the time you need to get a handle to the report items.

Here is a sample code snippet that uses the ReportingService2010 web service and PowerShell V3 CTP.

#replace this with your reportserver web service URI
$ReportServerUri  = "http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx";
$proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $ReportServerUri -UseDefaultCredential ;
#we'll use the ListChildren method to navigate through all your SSRS items
#the $true parameter specifies recursive navigation
$catalogitemsarray = $proxy.ListChildren("/", $true);
$reportpath = "/Customers/Customer Contact Numbers";
$report = $null;
foreach ($catalogitem in $catalogitemsarray)
   if($catalogitem.Path -eq $reportpath )
         $report = $catalogitem;
#display properties

Sample result is as follows:

ID                    : 15b3dd87-d0de-43a0-8692-030dcfdab945
Name                  : Customer Contact Numbers
Path                  : /Customers/Customer Contact Numbers
VirtualPath           : 
TypeName              : Report
Size                  : 23870
SizeSpecified         : True
Description           : 
Hidden                : False
HiddenSpecified       : False
CreationDate          : 5/13/2012 12:13:48 AM
CreationDateSpecified : True
ModifiedDate          : 5/13/2012 12:13:48 AM
ModifiedDateSpecified : True
CreatedBy             : KERRIGANAdministrator
ModifiedBy            : KERRIGANAdministrator
ItemMetadata          : {}
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Dynamically Generate Database Snapshot Creation Script

Just a short snippet to dynamically generate a database snapshot script. Could be useful especially if your database has multiple files and/or filegroups:

-- run with "Results in Text" mode
DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(100) = 'SampleDB'
-- we will timestamp both the snapshot name and the files
DECLARE @currdate VARCHAR(20)
SET @currdate = '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 120)
SET @currdate = REPLACE(@currdate, ':', '')
SET @currdate = REPLACE(@currdate, '-', '_')
SET @currdate = REPLACE(@currdate, ' ', '_')
SET @SQL = ''
   @SQL = COALESCE(@SQL + ('(NAME=' + [name]
                           + ',FILENAME=''C:TempSnapshots' + [name]
                           + @currdate + '.ss''),'), '')
   type_desc = 'ROWS'
    -- need to remove last comma
    SET @sql = LEFT(@sql, LEN(@sql) - 1)
   'CREATE DATABASE '+ @dbname+ @currdate+' ON ' + @sql + 
   ' AS SNAPSHOT OF ' + @dbname
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