Connection to target machine could not be made in a timely fashion


Actually the error is (note spelling mistake on fashion):

"Connection to target machine could not be made in a timely fasion"


One of our DBAs was testing the SQL cluster failover. After he failed over from Node 1 to Node 2, he can no longer bring up SQL Server Configuration Manager (SSCM). Whenever he tried, he will wait for about 30-40 seconds before he gets an error message : Connection to target machine could not be made in a timely fasion


This could have been caused by a whole host of things.

In our case, all we had to do was to restart WMI service:

  1. Start > Run > type services.msc and press Enter
  2. Scroll down to Windows Management Instrumentation, right click, restart
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View or function ‘sys.dm_exec_sessions’ has more column names …


Agent message code 4502. View or function ‘sys.dm_exec_sessions’ has more column names specified than columns defined.


Our replication on our clustered database just started to fail. We were getting the following error:

Agent message code 4502. View or function ‘sys.dm_exec_sessions’ has more column names specified than columns defined.

Ok, this is a weird message. How can sys.dm_exec_sessions have more columns that specified?

We checked the definition:

EXEC sp_helptext 'sys.dm_exec_sessions'

And this is what we got:

CREATE VIEW sys.dm_exec_sessions AS

Ok, we can see how this can be a problem – because of the star (*). Any column change can spell disaster. However, we weren’t very sure why this would cause any problems, because this is not any regular user view. It’s a built in SQL Server DMV.

So we checked out a few things:

 SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel')    -- Service Pack

It turns out the installed Service Packs are not the same in all the nodes.


Make sure all nodes in the cluster have the same service pack. Sometimes it’s easy to miss because you have to failover to install the SP.

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