Archive for April 9th, 2009

SQLXML : How to Merge Two Nodes Using FOR XML PATH

-- ============================================================
-- sample code that shows how to merge different nodes
-- in the same XML document by using FOR XML PATH()
-- Donabel Santos
-- ============================================================
-- sample XML snippet
SET @sampleXML =
 <Contact Type="Main" Value="John Doe">
 <Location Type="Headquarters" Address="123 XYZ" City="New Westminster"
 Province="BC" Country="CA" PostalCode="V1L1B6" />
 <Phone Type="Main" Value="6041112222" />
 <Phone Type="Secondary" Value="6041113333" />
 <Phone Type="Fax" Value="6045553322" />
 <Email Type="Main" Value="[email protected]" />
 <Email Type="Secondary" Value="[email protected]" />
 <Contact Type="Secondary" Value="Mary Smith">
 <Location Type="Headquarters" Address="123 ABC" City="New Westminster"
 Province="BC" Country="CA" PostalCode="V1L1B6" />
 <Phone Type="Main" Value="6041112255" />
 <Phone Type="Secondary" Value="6041113777" />
 <Phone Type="Fax" Value="6045553311" />
 <Email Type="Main" Value="[email protected]" />
 <Email Type="Secondary" Value="[email protected]" />
-- get only the elements underneath <Phones> and <Emails>
 @sampleXML.query ('(/Contacts/Contact/Phones/*)'),
 @sampleXML.query ('(/Contacts/Contact/Emails/*)')
-- result
<Phone Type="Main" Value="6041112222" />
<Phone Type="Secondary" Value="6041113333" />
<Phone Type="Fax" Value="6045553322" />
<Phone Type="Main" Value="6041112255" />
<Phone Type="Secondary" Value="6041113777" />
<Phone Type="Fax" Value="6045553311" />
<Email Type="Main" Value="[email protected]" />
<Email Type="Secondary" Value="[email protected]" />
<Email Type="Main" Value="[email protected]" />
<Email Type="Secondary" Value="[email protected]" />
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I just wrote a couple of SharePoint posts at the Black Ninja Software blog:

How to Programmatically Impersonate Users in SharePoint
– this post shows how you can programmatically execute code in another user’s context, and you can do this by getting a handle to that user’s UserToken

How to Invoke Javascript Snippets Without Using RegisterClientScriptBlock
– this post shows how to invoke and change Javascript code without needing to register that code. This approach uses asp:Literal

And in case you missed this one:
SharePoint Readiness Checklist – Reposted

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