Archive for October 13th, 2008

How to Connect to an Instance Name Using SMO

1. Create your Visual Studio Project

2. Add the following references in your project

  • Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum

3. Include the following using statement:

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;

4. Add your server object. Normally, you would use the following format in your Server object:

String serverName  = "JUBILEE";
Server srv         = new Server(serverName);
Database db        = srv.Databases["AdventureWorks"];
txtServerInfo.Text = srv.Information.VersionString +

However, if you have an instance name, you have to specify the SERVERINSTANCE name in your Server object. In C# code:

String serverName = “JUBILEE” + @”” + “SQL01“;

Server srv         = new Server(serverName);
Database db        = srv.Databases["AdventureWorks"];
txtServerInfo.Text = srv.Information.VersionString +

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Here is a partial list of valid XSD data types for SQL Server 2005:

xsd:int or xsd:integer


Note that in SQL Server 2005, the timezone needs to be included in the date or dateTime element or attribute value, for example:

    <Author AuthorID="1" FirstName="John" LastName="Doe" 
            DateJoined="1992-05-01Z" DateTimeJoined="1992-05-01T00:00:00Z"/>

Note the existence of the letter Z at the end of the date and datetime attributes.


Microsoft also provided a list of schemas in It includes the following AdventureWorks sample schemas:

  • AdventureWorks Customer Contact Information Schema
  • AdventureWorks Customer Contact Record Schema
  • AdventureWorks Customer Contact Type Schema
  • AdventureWorks Consumer Demographics Survey Schema
  • AdventureWorks Product Catalog Schema
  • AdventureWorks Manufacturing Instructions Document Schema
  • AdventureWorks Product Warranty and Maintenance Information Schema
  • AdventureWorks Standard Resume Schema
  • AdventureWorks Retail Stores Demographics Survey Schema
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