If you have the slightest interest in PowerShell, and you’re keen on learning more about it, I strongly recommend you download this book:

Mastering PowerShell (from PowerShell.com and written by Dr. Tobias Weltner)

It is an awesome, well written 567 page book that covers PowerShell through and through. Here are the chapters:

  1. The PowerShell Console
  2. Interactive PowerShell
  3. Variables
  4. Arrays and Hashtables
  5. The PowerShell Pipeline
  6. Using Objects
  7. Conditions
  8. Loops
  9. Functions
  10. Scripts
  11. Finding and Avoiding Errors
  12. Command Discovery and Scriptblocks
  13. Text and Regular Expressions
  14. XML
  15. The File System
  16. The Registry
  17. Processes, Services, Event Logs
  18. Windows Management Instrumentation
  19. User Management
  20. Your Own Cmdlets and Extensions

Thanks PowerShell.com!

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