I previously posted about a SQL Server CheatSheet from DotNet4All that I thought was useful and comprehensive. If you already know what you need to do, but just forgot the syntax because you haven’t done it in eons, then  a well organized, concise, complete cheat sheet can save the day.


Here are a few other ones:

General SQL Server

Scribd T-SQL


SQL Server Shortcuts
SQLArticles (really good, exhaustive list!)
SQLAuthority SSMS Shortcuts


Connection Strings


Regex (especially when you’re working with SQLCLR/Regex)
.NET Regex Cheat Sheet
(AddedBytes used to be known as ILoveJackDaniels, but that name has changed. Dave has a *lot* of useful cheat sheets in his site.)


SQL Injection
Ferruh Mavituna


MSDN Blogs (PDF)
MSDN Blogs (MS Word)


SQL Server 2008


SQL Server DBA Interview Questions
SQLAuthority Interview Questions – Complete List

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