This is a follow up post to : Why SQL Fragmentation Remains High

As mentioned in this previous post, our dilemma was we were rebuilding every index on a nightly basis, and :

  1. the process proves to be very resource intensive
  2. we don’t see the benefit. The fragmentation for some of the indexes remain high.

After some digging, this is what we found:

Rebuild the index only if there will be at least 1000 pages affected. If < 1000 pages will be affected, fragmentation will not really be affected and potentially would remain high.

This is the script that we now use to selectively identify which indexes to rebuild, which indexes to reorganize, and which indexes to leave alone. This script uses the following criteria in determining which action to take:

  • current fragmentation %
  • number of pages used by the index

The current logic is:

  • reorganize index : if fragmentation is > 10 % but < 30% and number of pages > 1000
  • rebuild index : if fragmentation is > 30 and number of pages > 1000


This script is adapted from “Rebuild or reorganize indexes (with configuration)” from MSDN Books Online

Download T-SQL Script

   1: --
   2: -- Ensure a USE <databasename> statement has been executed first.
   5: -- adapted from "Rebuild or reorganize indexes (with configuration)" from MSDN Books Online 
   6: -- (
   8: -- =======================================================
   9: -- || Configuration variables:
  10: -- || - 10 is an arbitrary decision point at which to
  11: -- || reorganize indexes.
  12: -- || - 30 is an arbitrary decision point at which to
  13: -- || switch from reorganizing, to rebuilding.
  14: -- || - 0 is the default fill factor. Set this to a
  15: -- || a value from 1 to 99, if needed.
  16: -- =======================================================
  17: DECLARE @reorg_frag_thresh   float        SET @reorg_frag_thresh   = 10.0
  18: DECLARE @rebuild_frag_thresh float        SET @rebuild_frag_thresh = 30.0
  19: DECLARE @fill_factor         tinyint    SET @fill_factor         = 80
  20: DECLARE @report_only         bit            SET @report_only         = 1
  22: -- added (DS) : page_count_thresh is used to check how many pages the current table uses
  23: DECLARE @page_count_thresh     smallint    SET @page_count_thresh   = 1000
  25: -- Variables required for processing.
  26: DECLARE @objectid       int
  27: DECLARE @indexid        int
  28: DECLARE @partitioncount bigint
  29: DECLARE @schemaname     nvarchar(130)
  30: DECLARE @objectname     nvarchar(130)
  31: DECLARE @indexname      nvarchar(130)
  32: DECLARE @partitionnum   bigint
  33: DECLARE @partitions     bigint
  34: DECLARE @frag           float
  35: DECLARE @page_count     int
  36: DECLARE @command        nvarchar(4000)
  37: DECLARE @intentions     nvarchar(4000)
  38: DECLARE @table_var      TABLE(
  39:                           objectid     int,
  40:                           indexid      int,
  41:                           partitionnum int,
  42:                           frag         float,
  43:                                   page_count   int
  44:                         )
  46: -- Conditionally select tables and indexes from the
  47: -- sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats function and
  48: -- convert object and index IDs to names.
  50:     @table_var
  51: SELECT
  52:     [object_id]                    AS objectid,
  53:     [index_id]                     AS indexid,
  54:     [partition_number]             AS partitionnum,
  55:     [avg_fragmentation_in_percent] AS frag,
  56:     [page_count]                   AS page_count
  57: FROM
  58:     sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(), NULL, NULL , NULL, 'LIMITED')
  59: WHERE
  60:     [avg_fragmentation_in_percent] > @reorg_frag_thresh
  61:     AND
  62:     page_count > @page_count_thresh
  63:     AND
  64:     index_id > 0
  67: -- Declare the cursor for the list of partitions to be processed.
  68: DECLARE partitions CURSOR FOR
  69:     SELECT * FROM @table_var
  71: -- Open the cursor.
  72: OPEN partitions
  74: -- Loop through the partitions.
  75: WHILE (1=1) BEGIN
  76:     FETCH NEXT
  77:         FROM partitions
  78:         INTO @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnum, @frag, @page_count
  80:     IF @@FETCH_STATUS < 0 BREAK
  82:     SELECT
  83:         @objectname = QUOTENAME(o.[name]),
  84:         @schemaname = QUOTENAME(s.[name])
  85:     FROM
  86:         sys.objects AS o WITH (NOLOCK)
  87:         JOIN sys.schemas as s WITH (NOLOCK)
  88:         ON s.[schema_id] = o.[schema_id]
  89:     WHERE
  90:         o.[object_id] = @objectid
  92:     SELECT
  93:         @indexname = QUOTENAME([name])
  94:     FROM
  95:         sys.indexes WITH (NOLOCK)
  96:     WHERE
  97:         [object_id] = @objectid AND
  98:         [index_id] = @indexid
 100:     SELECT
 101:         @partitioncount = count (*)
 102:     FROM
 103:         sys.partitions WITH (NOLOCK)
 104:     WHERE
 105:         [object_id] = @objectid AND
 106:         [index_id] = @indexid
 108:     -- Build the required statement dynamically based on options and index stats.
 109:     SET @intentions =
 110:         @schemaname + N'.' +
 111:         @objectname + N'.' +
 112:         @indexname + N':' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
 113:     SET @intentions =
 114:         REPLACE(SPACE(LEN(@intentions)), ' ', '=') + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +
 115:         @intentions
 116:     SET @intentions = @intentions +
 117:         N' FRAGMENTATION: ' + CAST(@frag AS nvarchar) + N'%' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +
 118:         N' PAGE COUNT: '    + CAST(@page_count AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
 120:     IF @frag < @rebuild_frag_thresh BEGIN
 121:         SET @intentions = @intentions +
 122:             N' OPERATION: REORGANIZE' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
 123:         SET @command =
 124:             N'ALTER INDEX ' + @indexname +
 125:             N' ON ' + @schemaname + N'.' + @objectname +
 126:             N' REORGANIZE; ' +
 127:             N' UPDATE STATISTICS ' + @schemaname + N'.' + @objectname +
 128:             N' ' + @indexname + ';'
 130:     END
 131:     IF @frag >= @rebuild_frag_thresh BEGIN
 132:         SET @intentions = @intentions +
 133:             N' OPERATION: REBUILD' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
 134:         SET @command =
 135:             N'ALTER INDEX ' + @indexname +
 136:             N' ON ' + @schemaname + N'.' +     @objectname +
 137:             N' REBUILD'
 138:     END
 139:     IF @partitioncount > 1 BEGIN
 140:         SET @intentions = @intentions +
 141:             N' PARTITION: ' + CAST(@partitionnum AS nvarchar(10)) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
 142:         SET @command = @command +
 143:             N' PARTITION=' + CAST(@partitionnum AS nvarchar(10))
 144:     END
 145:     IF @frag >= @rebuild_frag_thresh AND @fill_factor > 0 AND @fill_factor < 100 BEGIN
 146:         SET @intentions = @intentions +
 147:             N' FILL FACTOR: ' + CAST(@fill_factor AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
 148:         SET @command = @command +
 149:             N' WITH (FILLFACTOR = ' + CAST(@fill_factor AS nvarchar) + ')'
 150:     END
 152:     -- Execute determined operation, or report intentions
 153:     IF @report_only = 0 BEGIN
 154:         SET @intentions = @intentions + N' EXECUTING: ' + @command
 155:         PRINT @intentions
 156:         EXEC (@command)
 157:     END ELSE BEGIN
 158:         PRINT @intentions
 159:     END
 160:     PRINT @command
 162: END
 164: -- Close and deallocate the cursor.
 165: CLOSE partitions
 166: DEALLOCATE partitions
 168: GO
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A More Effective Selective Index Rebuild/Reorganize Strategy, 8.9 out of 10 based on 25 ratings  
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