Sometimes it is inevitable to encounter scenarios that will give division by zero errors

DECLARE @dividend INT
DECLARE @divisor INT
SET @dividend = 1
SET @divisor = 0
SELECT @dividend/@divisor
Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
Divide by zero error encountered.

What you can do is you can code around it, so your users and your app do not get this error.

Alternative 1: NULLIF (preferred)

The NULLIF built in function returns a NULL if the two parameters are equal. In our case, we want to check if the divisor is zero.

DECLARE @dividend INT
DECLARE @divisor INT
SET @dividend = 1
SET @divisor = 0
SELECT @dividend/NULLIF(@divisor,0)
Returns NULL

Alternatively, instead of NULL, you may want to display just 0

SELECT ISNULL(@dividend/NULLIF(@divisor,0),0)
Returns NULL, no error

Alternative 2: CASE

You can also use CASE to drive what values you want to show if the divisor. The downside to this approach is your code can get really lengthy right away by having multiple CASE statements.

	CASE @divisor
	   WHEN 0 THEN 0
	   ELSE @dividend/NULLIF(@divisor,0)
Returns 0, no error

Alternative 3: IF/ELSE

You can also use IF/ELSE. However this means you cannot just have one SELECT statement. This needs to be in a script, a stored proc, or UDF.

IF @divisor = 0
   SELECT @dividend/@divisor
Returns 0, no error

There you go. No more division by zero woes in T-SQL.

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