Here is a simple script to audit your SQL Server Instance Properties.
Note that the property names are not hardcoded. We query each of these properties, and use those to display the property values.
If you prefer, you can also query directly each of the properties of an instance. If this is the case, just specify your server object and then the property name. For example:
The list of properties can be found at the end of the post.
Script to do Basic Audit of SQL Server Instance Properties
#============================================================ #Audit Script using SMO and PowerShell #Script below enumerates all properties of a SQL Server instance, #and exports them to a text, csv and XML file #Author: Donabel Santos #============================================================ [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | Out-Null $sqlserver = "(local)" $srv = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $sqlserver #let's capture all properties into an array $objColl = $srv | gm | where {$_.MemberType -eq "Property" } | select Name #let's create an empty text file where we will store the server properties $filepath = "C:serveraudit.txt" New-Item -itemType file $filepath -force | Out-Null #let's loop through each property foreach($obj in $objColl) { #catch any exceptions trap [Exception] { $obj.Name + " : " + "Trapped $($_.Exception.Message)" | Out-File -append -filePath $filepath continue } #display property on screen; we're just curious " " + $obj.Name #we're not going to print out SystemMessages, currently there's 97526! if($obj.Name -ne "SystemMessages") { $obj.Name + " : " + $srv.($obj.Name) ` | Out-File -append -filePath $filepath } } #Alternative to the text file above are csv and XML files. #Below is how you can do it #Notice the syntax is a little bit more cryptic - each of these is a one liner! #Looks messy, eh? #Export all properties to a CSV file - one liner $srv | gm | where {$_.MemberType -eq "Property" -and ` $_.Name -ne "SystemMessages"} ` | select Name, @{Name="Value";Expression={[string]$srv.($_.Name)}} ` | Export-Csv -path "C:serveraudit.csv" -noTypeInformation #Export all properties to an XML file - one liner $srv | gm | where {$_.MemberType -eq "Property" -and ` $_.Name -ne "SystemMessages"} ` | select Name, @{Name="Value";Expression={[string]$srv.($_.Name)}} ` | Export-Clixml -path "C:serveraudit.xml" -encoding "UTF8"
List of SQL Server Instance Properties ..
that you can query from PowerShell
ActiveDirectory AuditLevel Audits BackupDevices BackupDirectory BrowserServiceAccount BrowserStartMode BuildClrVersion BuildClrVersionString BuildNumber Collation CollationID ComparisonStyle ComputerNamePhysicalNetBI Configuration ConnectionContext Credentials CryptographicProviders Databases DefaultFile DefaultLog DefaultTextMode Edition Endpoints EngineEdition ErrorLogPath Events FilestreamLevel FilestreamShareName FullTextService Information InstallDataDirectory InstallSharedDirectory InstanceName IsCaseSensitive IsClustered IsFullTextInstalled IsSingleUser JobServer Language Languages LinkedServers LoginMode Logins Mail MailProfile MasterDBLogPath MasterDBPath MaxPrecision Name NamedPipesEnabled NetName NumberOfLogFiles OleDbProviderSettings OSVersion PerfMonMode PhysicalMemory Platform Processors Product ProductLevel Properties ProxyAccount ResourceGovernor ResourceLastUpdateDateTim ResourceVersion ResourceVersionString Roles RootDirectory ServerAuditSpecifications ServerType ServiceAccount ServiceInstanceId ServiceMasterKey ServiceName ServiceStartMode Settings SqlCharSet SqlCharSetName SqlDomainGroup SqlSortOrder SqlSortOrderName State Status SystemDataTypes SystemMessages TapeLoadWaitTime TcpEnabled Triggers Urn UserData UserDefinedMessages UserOptions Version VersionMajor VersionMinor VersionStringSQL Server PowerShell : How to Audit Your SQL Server Instance Properties Using PowerShell and SMO,
first let me say thank you!
Awesome tutorials, really!
Do you think it is possible to “monitor” the log file size of a Database? And maybe also the Database size?
I have around 40 Servers out there where i want to check if the size is ok…
Would be cool if you could do something like this in the future!
Thanks so far!