I have posted previously 3 different ways of searching for SQL Server Objects (How to Search for Columns in SQL Server ).
Here’s a fourth one!
Check out how powerful and flexible PowerShell is when you need to look for a database object. In the script below, I only search databases, tables, columns, and indexes. But in reality, really, sky is the limit!
Script to Search SQL Server Objects
#============================================================ #Search Script using SMO and PowerShell #Script below looks for an object that contains the #searchString text #Current scope: databases, tables, columns, indexes #Author: Donabel Santos #============================================================ #assume this is the search string #this can also be passed in as an argument when you run this PowerShell script $searchString = "test" #load assembly [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | Out-Null #create server object $sqlserver = "(local)" $srv = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $sqlserver #create an empty array #we will store our results here $result = @() #search databases #note that this expression: @{Name="Type";Expression={[string]"Database"}} #allows us to display/store the result as a table $result = $srv.Databases | ` where {$_.Name -match $searchString } | ` select name, ` @{Name="Type";Expression={[string]"Database"}}, ` @{Name="FullName";Expression={[string]($_.Name)}} foreach ($db in $srv.Databases) { #search tables $dbName = $db.Name $result += $db.Tables | ` where {$_.Name -match $searchString } | ` select name, ` @{Name="Type";Expression={[string]"Table"}}, ` @{Name="FullName";Expression={[string]($dbName +"." + $_.Name )}} #search columns and indexes within tables foreach ($tbl in $db.Tables) { $tblName = $tbl.Name #search tables $result += $tbl.Columns| ` where {$_.Name -match $searchString } | ` select name, ` @{Name="Type";Expression={[string]"Column"}}, ` @{Name="FullName";Expression={[string]($dbName +"." + $tblName +"." + $_.Name )}} #search indexes $result += $tbl.Indexes| ` where {$_.Name -match $searchString } | ` select name, ` @{Name="Type";Expression={[string]"Index"}}, ` @{Name="FullName";Expression={[string]($dbName +"." + $tblName +"." + $_.Name )}} } } #display results, order by type $result | sort type | Format-Table -autosize
Here’s a sample result:
Name Type FullName ---- ---- -------- FieldTestField Column test.Table1.FieldTestField test_Copy2 Database test_Copy2 SMOTestDb Database SMOTestDb test Database test test_Copy Database test_Copy PK__test__3213E83F0DAF0CB0 Index test_Copy2.test.PK__test__3213E83F0DAF0CB0 PK__test__3213E83F0DAF0CB0 Index test_Copy.test.PK__test__3213E83F0DAF0CB0 PK__test__3213E83F0DAF0CB0 Index test.test.PK__test__3213E83F0DAF0CB0 test Table test.test test Table test_Copy2.test test Table test_Copy.testSQL Server PowerShell : Search for SQL Server Objects Using PowerShell ,
Hey guys I’m a newbie to this SMO/Powershell environment and would like to know where can these scripts be executed/run from. I tried PS and it gives me an error on the first line. I first tried a .vbs/.js file type and this did not work. I also attempted to changed the file type to .sql and run this script from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express to no avail.Can someone help get me started?
Hey Tom
PowerShell files should have an extension of .PS1 and should be run on the PowerShell prompt.
You can download PowerShell from here http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/technologies/management/powershell/default.mspx
try TM Field Finder to search in SQL Server schema. I tried and it works fine.