Demystifying T-SQL Subqueries–Part II

In the last post (Demystifying T-SQL Subqueries – Part I) we looked at how to use scalar subqueries. Let’s continue our subquery adventure.

As with Part I, the following T-SQL query samples are using the Chinook database.

Subqueries which return a single list of values





Single Column
or Column List
or Single List of Values


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Demystifying T-SQL Subqueries–Part I

When I teach SQL Server Development/T-SQL courses, subqueries is usually one of those topics that students find confusing. Usually it’s a head scratcher, although there are some who just get it.

So let’s try to demystify subqueries.

Very simply put, a subquery is just a query within a query. It’s a SELECT inside another SELECT.

Now let’s break it down. Let’s start with understanding what a query gives you first.

Understanding results of regular queries

Before we can understand subqueries, we need to understand first the different results we get from regular queries. A regular query always results in a dataset. It gives you the following variations of results:





Scalar Value

subquery that returns scalar value


Single Column
or Column List
or Single List of Values

subquery that returns a list (single column) of values



subquery that returns a table

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Handling Division By Zero Scenarios in T-SQL

Sometimes it is inevitable to encounter scenarios that will give division by zero errors

DECLARE @dividend INT
DECLARE @divisor INT
SET @dividend = 1
SET @divisor = 0
SELECT @dividend/@divisor
Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
Divide by zero error encountered.

What you can do is you can code around it, so your users and your app do not get this error.
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